Stretching and Movement


Have you ever lost time stitching? Did you find that your body felt tight, things popped and cracked, and if you’re anything like me, the prolonged position shifted your hips?! While social distancing I found myself moving much less than usual, and my body was not happy. To tackle this I started setting a timer on my phone for 30 minutes, at which point I would stretch. I incorporated movement into my morning routine, committing to a minimum of 15 minutes of stretching each day. Man oh man, has my body thanked me! My knees are hurting less, I have more mobility in my wrists and shoulders, and my shoulders are not as tight. I am so thankful that such small moments of movement had such a huge impact!

Here are some resources that I have found helpful:

Yoga for Knitters and Crochets (YouTube)

Hand, Finger, and Joint Stretches (YouTube)

@wellnessformakers on Instagram!

Which movement teachers do you adore?!

A person crocheting with purple yarn.

Photo by Imani on Unsplash