Meditation for Creativity

Do you meditate? What is your favorite style of meditation?


I used to loathe meditation. I resisted the practice of meditation because I did not think I was capable of sitting still for 30 minutes without wiggling on my seat or without thought. I thought it was impossible for my super active, creative mind. In reality, meditation is not about surviving 30 minutes in utter silence of the mind and stillness of the body. The truth is that meditation can take many forms, and your mind will never be completely silent! Once I was able to shake free of my unattainable expectations around meditation, I was able to experience all that meditation has to offer: feeling grounded in the present moment, reduction of the physical impact of stress, and added clarity from my soul. The most surprising reward was an increase in creative flow.

My favorite methods for meditation include: guided meditations, visualizations, movement, and breathing exercises. I’ve collected some resources for you that are freaking amazing in bringing this form of self-care into our lives:

Stay Woke: A Meditation Guide for the Rest of Us by Justin Michael Williams is “a no-nonsense guide to establishing a personal meditation practice, changing your life, and taking hold of your dreams.” There is more to meditation than meditating.

Insight Timer offers a variety of guided meditations for sleep, relaxation, self compassion, creativity, anxiety, and so much more (available as an app and on your computer).

Customized Visualization and Relaxation Meditation from The Priestess Collective offers you a meditation that connects you with your soul on the topic of your choice!

Playne - “A video game that helps players learn and build a daily habit of meditation. Grow & transform the game world by meditating. Build resilience to stress, experience calm and relaxation.”

Seven rocks stacked vertically on a beach.