A pale, creamy pink pom-pom with black yarn to tie on. Five pale, creamy pink pom-poms sitting in a pile.

Pink Blush Pom-Pom (5 inch)

A dark pink faux-fur pom-pom with black tips. Two dark pink, faux-fur pom-poms with black tips.
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Electric Raspberry Pom-Pom (5 inch)

Five faux-fur pom-poms in a pile, all have a tan base that fades into orange with black tips. A single faux fur pom-pom with a tan base that fades into orange with black tips.
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Jekyll Pom-Pom (5 inch)

Five faux fur pom-poms with a white base and orange tips. Close up of a single faux fur pom-pom with a white base and orange tips.

Goldenrod Pom-Pom (5 inch)

A single five inch, teal-colored pom-pom. A group of several five inch, teal-colored pom-poms.

Peacock Pom-Pom (5 inch)
